Pics October 2010 - March 2011

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 18, 2009

Sam had his first drs visit in Dothan today. The dr called him a "thriving preemie"! Yipee, we didn't lose weight our first week home. Sam now weighs 4 lbs 7 oz. The dr did say that we need to feed Sam more at each feeding every 3 hours. This is going to be a task. Sam does this thing we like to call sleeping when we try to get him to take a bottle. :) He doesn't sleep the entire time, but he falls asleep mid-way through the bottle. You wouldn't imagine the things we do to try to wake him up. From feet rubbing/tickling to a cold wet wash cloth on his face. Sometimes he sleeps most of the way through the bottle feeding and then wakes up acting hungry at the end of the bottle feeding. I think it was easier feeding Sam in the NICU when you have nurses around that could 'fix' mostly anything including a screaming child. I also had my school baby shower today. It was wonderful getting to see everyone after so long. It is an humbling experience to have friends and co-workers that go the extra mile for you in times of need. I got so many wonderful and much needed things. Thanks so much Highlands!


Anonymous said...

Look at him being so good at the doctor! Sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear that Sam is passing all his tests. Keep up the good work Sam.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

That is such great news. He is going to be one strong boy!!I laughed when I read about Sam sleeping through his meals. I know that it is hard to believe, but Cole did that a couple of times. We video taped him one time and all I could do was think back to that video. Make sure you get lots of pictures and video of every little thing, b/c one day when you tell him about it, he will say "No I did not." Then you will have to get out the video and watch it together and say "Told you so!" Love ya, Mer

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